суббота, 16 июня 2012 г.

Zoella & Sprinkle of Glitter blogTV

I actually loved that blogTv with girls. Messages run out so quickly and it was bad, that girls can't answer for all our questions :D SPEED was very HIGH.
I watched Zoe's vlog and I found me in that blogTV conversation and i am happy as an elephant. ahaha :)
here it is

Also i was happy when Louise answered my question about Sammi (beautycrush) yeeei. 

2 комментария:

  1. I've just seen the vlog on Zoe's channel and I really feel lucky that Louise noticed my message. Wow the speed was really very high O.o
    What was your question about Sammi?

  2. it was just simple :D
    are they chat with her or not
